Friday, November 24, 2006

here we are

For more than two months, I have not been able to play DoTA. Now, I've been able to, along with some friends. Won the first game, but narrowly lost the second. I had a good game overall. :)

Since four of us live in Antipolo, although I didn't go directly to the city proper since I will go the Robinsons Metroeast first, us four rode on the same fx. :D

Ate dinner at Popeye's Metroeast, went home, and was told that I cannot go to the AA fair (and be with her) tomorrow because of a seminar I must attend (and I will be talking here as well (:/) ) here in our subdivision for my community service (instead of CAT). The seminar will be about waste segregation.

This was quite a week as well, long tests here and there. I'm quite confident that I won't get very high scores in least I have confidence. *start sarcasm* "Hahaha." *end sarcasm*

Mme. Nagi: I know you'll be going to China soon enough, but hopefully you will live a better life more than I do.

Mme. Nicole: I will be quite happy even with just being able to talk to you, albeit not the personal way, but through the internet.

Mme. Jorella: You are a good person, may you, and your love overcome the obstacles in your lives.

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